Monday, May 21, 2007

On a side note

Been waiting awhile for watch this movie. The prequel, aptly named 28 Days Later was an amazing British indie horror-chase flick. it was the movie that introduced Cillian Murphy aka Scarecrow in Batman Begins. it was one of the most entertaining and heart skipping movie I've seen (and I've seen alot)

So how did the sequel fare?

Put it this was freaking awesome.

My fanboy aside, it really was that good. Excellent pacing. Enough shock moments to wet your pants dry.

The movie picks off where the last movie ended, about six months have passed since the virus wiped out London. British citizens are now returning to District One, which is a safe zone as part of a U.S. military project to re-populate and re-start the city. But the infection still lives among carriers who show no outward symptoms probably due to some natural immunity. Well all havok breaks loose and the rest is history. Just wathc the movie lah.

Even with its pretty big budget, the filmmakers still decided to go with raw indie feel which i found was pretty effective. Plenty of over the head 3rd person shots This is also exhibited in the siundtrack. One to look out, or rather listen for.

This movie is one heck of a freaky one. Its not your typical slasher flick creepy...rather, its effectively creepy.

They've taken gore in movies up a notch with this one, even surpassing 28 Days Later. So yeah, it's not for the faint of heart.

I love chase flicks.

Check it out for yourself!

I'll be going for Pirates of the Caribbean: At worlds End on Wednesday with Merl and Stephen. Disney, it better not suck!

1 comment:

gwen said...

eh..u went to watch d?!!!hmphh