Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Van's A Drug

Van left for Scotland today.

She's been a great 'on and off' pal over the past few years.

Its funny how in Kuching everyone always seems to have mutual friends. And it was the case for Van and I.

Van is great company..has great taste in music, books...she's fun. Witty.

Likewise, I'm glad you're from Kuching. Meeting again will, indeed be a certainty.

So yeah, Van's a drug...and I'm an junkie :-)

Vanessa Ting Ching Ching (Hope I spelt it right:-))


carissatok said...

lol.. do i sense something here? hrhrhrhr

Joven aka joPod aka SloppyJo said... eh lah..she a great friend..dun think funny haha